
defense advanced research project agency中文是什么意思

  • 国防高等研究计划局
  • 美国国防部高级研究计划局



  • 例句与用法
  • Defense advanced research projects agency darpa
  • Defense advanced research projects agency
  • Hendler is also responsible for agent - based computing research at the defense advanced research projects agency ( darpa ) in arlington , va
  • This project involves several us universities and is funded by the us defense advanced research projects agency ( darpa )
  • To this end , the defense advanced research projects agency is currently supporting biodetector research involving living cells from humans , animals or plants
  • They are all be chosen as one of the processing algorithm candidates for the u . s . defense advanced research projects agency ’ s ( darpa ) adaptive spectral reconnaissance program ( asrp )
    它们都被列入到美国防高级研究计划局( darpa )自适应光谱侦察工程( asrp )计划之中。
  • The first wave of intelligent robot cars , capable of understanding and reacting to the world around them , had been tested in a competition run by the us defense advanced research projects agency
  • The first wave of intelligent robot cars , capable of understanding and reacting to the world around them , will be tested this november in a competition run by the us defense advanced research projects agency
  • The first wave of intelligent robot cars , capable of understanding and reacting to the world around them , will be tested this november in a competition run by the us defense advanced research projects agency ( darpa )
  • Although the defense advanced research projects agency ( darpa ) may have sponsored the race to encourage the development of self - driving battlefield vehicles , neither the red team nor many of the other 15 that made it to the starting line in mid - march cared much about that aim
    虽然美国国防高等研究计画署( darpa )之所以赞助这场赛车,可能是为了鼓励开发自动驾驶的战地车辆,但是红队和3月中旬顺利开上起跑线的其他15个团队,大多不怎麽在乎这个目标。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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defense advanced research project agency的中文翻译,defense advanced research project agency是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译defense advanced research project agency,defense advanced research project agency的中文意思,defense advanced research project agency的中文defense advanced research project agency in Chinesedefense advanced research project agency的中文defense advanced research project agency怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
